Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict Essay -- Middle East Conflict War

The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict - Many Questions, Few Answers Unless the Israelis and Palestinians could not compromise, negotiate and come to an agreement, peace is impossible in the Middle East and even the security fence that Israel is now building will not solve the conflict nor stop terrorist actions by Palestinian extremists. The Israelis and Palestinians need to compromise and negotiate, as suggested by the words written on that wall, â€Å"Peace comes (with) agreement not separation.† The leaders of both sides of the conflict should think of the future generations. They should agree to disagree –meaning that they should come to terms and pour out all their grievances, the cause and root of their anger and go beyond that anger to think of a solution that both sides would agree upon. They should decide what is best for their people and the land they would both like and wish to call home. Historically, the land being fought by the Israelis and Palestinians never experienced any peace at all. Palestine was occupied and fought by different groups, Ottoman and the Roman Empires, and the Crusaders. In late 19th century, the population of Palestine was mostly Arabs, nomads, and some Jews but that soon changed. In Europe, Jews were being persecuted so leaders of European Jews gathered in Switzerland to form the Zionist movement. The goal of Zionism was to â€Å"create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law.† The slogan, â€Å"A land without people for a people without land† by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a Zionist leader successfully helped support the Zionist movement’s goal. And under the British government who occupied and governed Palestine at that time and with the Balfour Declaration, a Jewish homeland was established in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration allowed migration of Jews to Palestine during World War I, which led to anti-Jewish riots by the Palestinians. The Palestinians felt more betrayed and reacted badly when more European Jews who were escaping Nazi persecution, were allowed to migrate to Palestine during and after the World War II. They demanded an independent Palestinian state. They attacked British troops and posts, as well as Jewish settlements. The settlers counterattacked and retaliated while at the same time, the British escalated its oppressive measures against the Palestinians by destroying their homes and sentencin... ...e so-called leaders in Palestine and Israel and some here at the US don’t want peace in that land at all. They have their own agenda and interest to protect at all cost. The Palestinians’ hatred of Jews would extend even beyond Israel. Palestinian supporters from the Arab and Muslim world saw the biases, prejudice and injustice done to the Palestinian people. The United States with its support of Israel became a victim of this hatred and vengeance with the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Thousands of lives and billions of dollars of properties were lost. Is peace possible in the Middle East? Would the wall being built by the Israeli government protect its people from Palestinians violence and terrorism? Is there a possibility of an independent Palestinian state? Could there be a solution to the Palestinian problem and its refugees? Could the illegal Israeli settlements of Palestinian lands be ever resolved or removed? Could the Palestinians and Israelis ever live together in peace? Would there be a leader on both sides who could lead their people to make peace to each other? These are the questions that are hard to answer with the ongoing situation in the Middle East.

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